
Introduction To Web Development : Basic

How to Make An Daily Water Intake

Hi guys welcome to another post and today we will make An Daily Water Intake App
What is it: Imagine an alien is visiting the earth, looking for his lost alien watch. Now on earth, we use a watch to check the time, but his watch is unique, it displays his age in hours. On his planet, they express age in hours and not in years as we do on earth. So it is important for him to wear this alien watch all the time to keep track of his age. To help this alien, we built an app which converts age in years to age in hours. 

How we did it: Build an App where Input will be: glasses to liters and Output will be: glasses in Liters
1: Define a Purpose In this step, we specify what we want the app to do. 
2: Design the App In this step, we specify the design components we want in our app 
3: Code the App In this step, we specify the code blocks we want to use to write code 
4: Test the App In this step, we run the app to check if it works.
The code For that is :
