
Introduction To Web Development : Basic

what are Sequences?? What are they used for???

What are Sequences ?

Sequences is what you have to do correctly in a proper way in Coding words if I say, it will be that if you dont code them correctly you will not get what u excepted ad then u will get errors why??? the code is correct but the Sequence is wrong.
Where can u write the code ???

we can use https://code.org/ its a website where u can code and make web apps using JavaScript and also has an game lab where u can create your own games.

Step to do:

first create your account like this:


Press on



You can use 2 methods on is 


now U will be at your home page

now click this link:


now we need to make laurel to get to the diamond
the code for that is
So here we have to visualize in our brain like this that how to get laurel get to the diamond with the following blocks???

today's assignment is that to write your name like this 

now u can write your name or sir name or even your nickname start off with this link
1. Login to , code.org 
2. create a frozen project then make ur name in nickname like this above
3. then click on the share area copy the link paste it in the comments section
Bye see u until my next tutorial..
